Squish Stars: Margaux DelCollo

photo of Margaux DelCollo smiling


The past number of months have been a whirlwind. Yet, there are some women entrepreneurs that are continuing to break the mold and shine like the stars they are! We're proud to introduce our Squish Stars campaign, highlighting incredible women entrepreneurs!

We were lucky to talk to Margaux DelCollo, Co-Owner of TWEEand ask her some questions. 


Tell us about your business? How did you get started?
MargauxTWEE is a women owned and operated maker's studio in Philadelphia, PA specializing in handmade, small batch sidewalk chalk; showcasing the ordinary in extraordinary ways. All TWEE products are designed to perfectly fit little ones’ hands, helping to increase a child’s grip strength and fine motor skills while encouraging creative play and imaginative making. In an age where screens and computers are part of the everyday existence, TWEE handmade sidewalk chalk provides the much-needed break for children to take a step back, to make believe, to share experiences with friends and to create their very own chalk masterpieces. TWEE was started by my partner, Kate as a preschool classroom project.

What measures have you been forced to take since COVID started? What is the biggest pivot you had to make with your business? 
Margaux: Our biggest issue has been how we safely use our space. A maker's studio is by nature a collaborative environment and Covid does not allow for that. So we've been working in shifts with two in a room for four hours at time.

What have you learned from this experience thus far? Both on a professional and personal level. 
Margaux: I think the most important take away we've had is how resilient we are as a company and how invested in the success of it we all are. Covid makes for awful in-person working conditions but everyone at TWEE comes in with their masks and gloves and their shortened shifts with a smile on their face and a wonderful attitude.

Have any businesses or individuals helped to inspire you through this time? What do you admire most about them? 
Margaux:  I've been inspired by everyone who just gets up the next day and tries to do it better. The spirit of the small business owner is something I am so proud of.

What are the biggest issues for running your company right now? What areas do you need help with? 
Margaux:  Because everything has moved to online, we now find ourselves competing for sales with our own Brick and Mortar wholesalers.

What's been your biggest win since starting your company? 
Margaux:  When stores you admire call you for product.

Are there any special or new self-care practices that have helped you stay grounded? 
Margaux:  We've been trying to focus on one good thing a day that happens. It can be small, like finally sending the email you've been meaning to to something big like hiring a new team member, but just getting into the practice gratitude.

Favorite show you've been watching/book you're reading/podcast you're listening to? 
Margaux I'm embarrassed to say, my Covid show has been 90 Day Fiance, all of them, and I just finished Untamed by Glennon Doyle. Cried my eyes out. YES! THINGS ARE HARD BUT I CAN DO HARD THINGS!

If you could be any of our marshmallow flavors, which one would you be? 
Margaux:  First. I'm practically a marshmallow and second. I'd be your fluff. I've actually been thinking about ordering. I have two little boys - 9 and 6. A few years ago I went to the grocery store and bought extremely white bread, peanut butter and the general fluff and as a surprise made them a peanut butter and fluff sandwich, something that was a special treat when I was growing up. They looked at me like I had given them the grossest thing in the world to eat and they refused. I want to try it again. I NEED TO TRY IT AGAIN. And maybe your very fancy fluff will be what changes their tune!

To learn more about Margaux and her business:
Instagram:  @tweemade